Academic Beats is being replaced by the DRUMTASTIC Curriculum Program



Educators have long understood the connection of movement and learning. Kinesthetic activities have the power to unlock cognitive processes which otherwise remained trapped or inaccessible. According to neurophysiologist Dr. Carla Hannaford, “Movement is an indispensable part of learning and thinking. Children need to move and physically reinforce the content they learn in school in order to make content more comprehensible.”

Drums Alive DRUMTASTIC® (previously known as Academic Beats®) provides a brain & body workout. Bursts of high intensity drumming and movement, interspersed with periods of recovery cognition exercises, create an interval training experience that is fun and engaging for all ages. Discovery lessons that utilize music, physical activity, and the Drums Alive equipment or other materials commonly found in the classroom provides kinesthetic learning experiences that encourage curiosity and inspires a sense of wonder.  This unique approach to learning increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perceptions. Linking educational content with movement has a profound effect on student learning and provides teachers an avenue for igniting excitement and improving overall fitness.

Modules of Drums Alive DRUMTASTIC®:

DRUMTASTIC Basic – Provides the foundation for the Drums Alive DRUMTASTIC®  Curriculum, an evidence-based program that applies fitness, drumming, music, and educational concepts designed to improve the health of children and pre-teens by disseminating evidence-based physical education, after school, early childhood, coordinated school health and music education programs to teachers, recreation leaders and coaches serving pre-kindergarten through middle school students.

Teachers learn how to integrate kinesthetic awareness, neuro-muscular skills, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, strength, and wellness activities by using a coordinated package of curriculum materials which include:

drumtastic-manual-welcome-cover-cover1Comprehensive Teacher Manual

Contains over 150 Lesson Plans and more than 100 Teacher Cue Cards that address the National Standards for Physical Education (NASPE) and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) review questions and discussions; Teacher Assistant Materials which provides “Inclusion Strategies” and “Assessment Sheets;” Music Educational Concepts and Activities; and Brain Beats/Core Curriculum Learning Games and Activities!


drumtastic-cue-cardsTeacher Instructional Materials/Resource Box

A colossal repository which contains over 300 Activity Skill Cards, including:

• BRAIN BEATS – Curriculum Based Learning Cards
• Music & Rhythm, Drumming, Locomotor Skills, Shape, Traffic, Cool Down, and Formation Cards
• Expectation Cards



Media and Web Support

Instantly access over 140 downloadable/streaming film clips and activity demonstrations, plus a choreography videos, music, and ongoing support and ideas.



Mathematics in Motion is a unique, one of a kind program that introduces a whole new dimension to education and allows teachers to take their students on a fun and exciting, research-based journey through the wonderful world of math. Educators have long understood that the combination of movement and kinesthetic activities have had the power to unlock cognitive processes; but, due to constrained curriculum requirements and/or a lack of resources or viable options, many feel a void in finding an established program that is designed to support common core, cross curriculum instruction and empower ALL students to succeed academically, emotionally and physically.  DRUMTASTIC: MATHEMATICS IN MOTION has been successfully implemented into many schools throughout the country and received laudatory remarks of how it has made learning enjoyable and productive by helping teachers create an enriched environment through the use of movement, music and rhythm.  This program provides all the necessary tools to educate and inspire students to unlock their potential and is designed to be an appendage to classroom instruction that supports the learning of basic mathematical concepts in a fun and exciting way.

Areas of focus:

  • Elevate critical cognitive processing
  • Integrate rhythm and movement across the curriculum
  • Engage students through discovery and problem solving
  • Provide multiple health benefits through physical exercise
  • Discover the mystery behind drumming and brain research
  • Explore relationships through kinesthetic and auditory experiences

This module will be released in Spring 2018.

Ability Beats is an all-inclusive, comprehensive, multi-generational, culturally diverse Brain and Body program for all ages and abilities that unlocks limitations and empowers participants to achieve healthy and happy lives through research-based fitness and wellness applications.  This original, unique, one of a kind program encompasses a “Whole Mind, Whole Body” approach while fostering individual creativity in a fun and enriched environment in which respect, appreciation and understanding is encouraged and cultivated.  Ability Beats is not just an exercise program.  It awakens and integrates an inner strength, ignites potential and taps individual “ABILITIES” that leads to endless possibilities all while promoting health and fitness on the following levels: Musical and Rhythmical, Psychological, Neurological, Educational, Emotional, Physical, and Social. This module will be released in Spring 2018.

Rhythm in Motion – Is a symposium of the body and mind because it utilizes the body, rhythmical instruments and other creative pieces of everyday materials to provide a fun exploratory environment for learning, movement, and self- expression! Get your feet stomping and your body rockin’ with this innovative program that brings rhythmical sounds and beats into magical moments of motion and fun! Body rhythms and materials such as garbage cans, broom sticks, newspaper and other creative equipment will bring excitement to students and teachers alike. If you are up for a new adventure and want to feel like a musician, you will love this physical, emotional and powerful celebration of rhythm and movement. This module will be released in Summer 2018.

Language Arts in Motion – Skills necessary to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, and presenting come alive through movement and rhythm activities. Release date for this module to be determined.

Science in Motion – Utilizes movement to gain a curiosity and understanding about the natural world! Release date for this module to be determined.

Social Studies in Motion – Creates excitement, wonder, inquiry, delight, and puzzlement to make social studies more meaningful. Release date for this module to be determined.

Health in Motion – Helps students develop healthy attitudes and habits that can benefit them throughout their life. Release date for this module to be determined.

Drums Alive – kids fighting childhood obesity with fun

Lehi kids stay fit and learn with Drums Alive