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Drums Alive Golden Beats?


*The Drums Alive Basic Course is a pre-requisite for the Golden Beats Course! Do not sign-up for this course if you have not already completed the Drums Alive Basic Course!*

Specially designed for the senior population, Golden Beats stimulates people whether they are young or old, healthy or ill. When we drum and dance we are having FUN! This in return releases endorphins and releases negative feelings. The rhythmical patterns of the drum increase synchronization of brain wave activity. 

Benefits Provide:

  • Improved levels of balance, gait, functionality
  • Motivation and fitness adherence
  • Greater emotional wellness and feelings of euphoria
  • Improved mental awareness and self-acceptance 

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Drums Alive Golden Beats

Drums Alive® Golden Beats® is specially designed for instructors that want to take the knowledge gained from our Drums Alive Basic course and adapt their programs to better suit the senior population.
Improvement & Inspiration Golden Beats challenges the boundaries of age by improving levels of balance, gait, functionality and the quality of life for older adults. Inspire participants to reject the notion that becoming older means becoming sedentary and begin aging gracefully with Golden Beats.
Socially Engaged & Independant Golden Beats provides a way to improve motivation, fitness adherence, and has enhanced older individuals’ lives. Healthy active adults who are mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially engaged will enjoy independence, live longer, and enjoy a higher quality of life. George Burns says it best, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”
Teach with Confidence Drums Alive is research- and evidence-based. We continually work with universities around the world to prove and improve its effectiveness. This enables Golden Beats classes access to grant and government funding.

The Drums Alive® Vision:

We have a dream to make life better for everyone throughout the world with the healing experience of movement and rhythm through the Drums Alive® program.

Through specific programming Drums Alive® will improve:

  • the quality of life for a wide variety of audiences;
  • including mentally and physically challenged children;
  • gifted and talented children; fit and healthy children and adults;
  • children and adults with aggression issues;
  • senior citizens; and patients with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and other life-altering conditions.

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